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Terms and Conditions


This document constitutes a legally binding agreement between you as a user of the Site Tech Visioniptv.online defined as you, your, User or Seller, as the case may be) and Tech Vision IPTV Player.

This is the Privacy Policy governing your use of the Tech Vision IPTV Player and the collection, use, transfer, and processing of your Collected Information by Tech Vision IPTV Player and our affiliates (collectively referred to as "Tech Vision IPTV Player", "We", or "US"). By using this Site, you consent to our Privacy Policy set out below. All terms not defined in this document have the meanings ascribed to them in the Terms of Use Agreement between you and Tech Visioniptv.online which by use of this Site you agree to accept.

Additional Policies and Agreements

By using our services, you also agree to the following policies, which are an extension of the present agreement:

  • Privacy Policy
  • Acceptable Usage Policy

Acceptance The Use Of Tech Vision IPTV Player Terms and Conditions 

Your access to and use of the Tech Vision IPTV Player is subject exclusively to these Terms and Conditions. You will not use the Website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms and Conditions. By using the Website you are fully accepting the terms, conditions, and disclaimers contained in this notice. If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions you must immediately stop using the Website.


1 The Website is provided on an AS IS and AS AVAILABLE basis without any representation or endorsement made and without warranty of any kind whether express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security, and accuracy.
2 To the extent permitted by law, Tech Vision IPTV Player will not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss or damage whatever (including without limitation loss of business, opportunity, data, profits) arising out of or in connection with the use of the Website.
3 Tech Vision IPTV Player makes no warranty that the functionality of the Website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the Website or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or anything else which may be harmful or destructive.
4 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall be construed so as to exclude or limit the liability of Tech Vision IPTV Player personal injury as a result of the negligence of Tech Vision IPTV Player or that of its employees or agents.

Private Home Viewing Only

Tech Vision IPTV Player provides services to you solely for viewing, use, and enjoyment in your private home. You agree that no services provided to you will be used or viewed in areas open to the public, commercial establishments, or other residential locations.
Services may not be rebroadcast or performed, and admission may not be charged for listening to, using, or viewing any services.
If your services are used or viewed in an area open to the public, a commercial establishment, or another residential location, we may disconnect your services with no refund.

Programming Restrictions.

Certain services, including without limitation, some subscription services, sporting events, and broadcast network Services, may be blacked out in your viewing area.

Minimum Programming Levels.

Tech Vision IPTV Player reserves the right to require and/or change minimum programming requirements at any time. For example BAN/REMOVE/CHANGE, and without limitation, Tech Vision IPTV Player may require a minimum commitment term.

VPN or Proxy usage

Using a VPN or proxy servers is not allowed while connecting to our servers and will result in permanent suspension.


In order to access the services, you must use devices that meet the system and compatibility prerequisites that we establish in our Help Center.

Internet service and data usage

The user is responsible for expenses related to his/her network access when using our services.

Payment Information: Tech Vision IPTV Player will share your Payment Information with banks relevant to the transaction in order to enable transactions to be completed. In addition, Tech Vision IPTV  APP may use Payment Information to determine your credit-worthiness and, in the process of such determination, Tech Vision IPTV Player may make such Payment Information available to banks or credit agencies. While Tech Vision IPTV Player has in place up-to-date technology and internal procedures to guard your Payment Information against intruders, there is no guarantee that such technology or procedure can eliminate all of the risks of theft, loss, or misuse. Tech Vision IPTV Player shall not be liable to you or any other person for any damages that might result from unauthorized use, publication, disclosure, or any other misuse of Payment Information, including credit card information.  We will never charge you for the app or its services without making it very clear to you exactly what you are paying for.

Payments and Billing


Rates and Prices. You acknowledge that the nature of the service furnished and the rates and charges have been communicated to you. You are aware that the Tech Vision IPTV Player reserves the right to change the rates and charges specified in "Other Fees".

Payments. You agree to pay Tech Vision IPTV Player at the time you order. All fees are due immediately and are non-refundable, with the exceptions outlined in the section below, even if your  Services are suspended, terminated, or transferred prior to the end of the term of service. Tech Vision IPTV Player expressly reserves the right to modify pricing through email notification and/or notice on its website.

Refunds. We don't offer refund you can use 7 Days for testing purposes before you buy.
We do not accept Refund for Any Issue can come in the Future with Device Breakdown, Internet connections bad or stop Working
We can not promise all channels are working properly due to your Internet speed and another tech issue.
However, the Customer may request a refund within 14 days of the purchase date upon written notice or email to  support@Tech Visioniptv.online and before the real setup and/or configuration of his server

 Payment terms.

You are given several options to pay for your goods; through your PayPal account, using a debit or a credit card. If choose to use a card, you are directed to our trust pay website to give your details, and we will not receive or keep details about your card whatsoever.